
Pets in this Category


Name: Yai
Gender: F
Species: Rowi
A beautiful creature swims in circles around a golden gem. It seems like it has been swimming these circles for a very long time.


Name: Fyn
Gender: F
Species: Spekkio
A pretty pink and white fish flutters in your face as it swims by. It's like an underwater faerie.


Name: Ruo
Gender: M
Species: Spekkio
The little fish seems a little aggressive. It swims very deliberately and alertly.


Name: Tellsi
Gender: F
Species: Lunsy
The strange creature looks like a cross between a bunny and a horse. It leaps around energetically and seems very playful.


Name: Shusii
Gender: M
Species: Lunsy
The creature looks very regal in its black and golden fur.